Is hard-work always supposed to payoff ?
The simplest definition of work is focused energy towards a particular thing. Even the scientific definition of work is energy transferred to displace an object in the direction of force applied.
Work being composed of focused energy is not inherently hard. How can energy be classified into levels of difficulties! What makes work hard is the time involved. The requirement of persistence makes work hard.
Let us not our minds get tricked by the word hardwork, it is just focused energy towards a particular aspect with persistent effort. The question is - are the rewards worth it ?
Rewards can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic rewards means we gain some form of internal satisfaction after the attempt. Extrinsic reward is something we receive from the external world - such as compensation, or recognition from our social circles. Both forms are useful.
When it comes to meeting necessities, extrinsic rewards are not negotiable. However for things outside our "necessary necessities", a preference for intrinsic rewards is slightly better because it will release you from expectations. And disappointments require adequate expectations!
Moreover, success depends on the work we put in when no one else is watching. So, yes, hard-work is always supposed to pay off if we keep the right definition in mind - focused energy towards a particular thing with a fair objective in mind. It becomes more fun if we are able to release expectations. If we win, we win, if not we improve and get another chance! :)
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