Overcoming Negativity using the powers of the mind

To get to the symbol of positive, we must cross the negative. To concentrate on a thing, we must remove our attention from other things and place it on the point of interest. There are two steps to achieving something, removal of the unwanted and addition of the needed. Sometimes it is impossible to physically disassociate from a situation. What to do then ? 

Using the powers of the mind is one solution. There are three positive attributes of the mind - will, thought and feeling. These when utilized according to our temperament can cauterize every negative vibe that comes towards us.


The negative vibes can be caused by either our own thinking or a circumstance where we find ourselves being criticized by someone. If it is caused by our own thinking, and we are aware of it, we ought to take action to fix it. Every effort for the same is valuable.

It can cast us down if it is due to someone else criticizing us unreasonably. In this case, it is useful to understand a psychological truth. Anyone who criticizes others is also criticizing a part of themselves. 

They say, an inferiority complex comes from a real or an imagined weakness in oneself. To cover up for their lack, they sometimes impose on others which manifests as superiority complex. This superiority complex results in criticizing others. Science has also shown that taking revenge (criticism is a weaker form of the same), activates the same parts of the brain as eating a chocolate. Obviously both have bad results later! 


I remember a subject I was not very good at. The teacher pointed her finger at me, and said you will fail. My friends laughed, but I was blessed in that I never listened to her. I perceived her as someone saying a few random words. This was an application of thought and feeling. My mother used to tell me, "you hear what others say, but listen to what you think you need". 

We do not need to believe any suggestion of failure. We never fail unless we internally believe it, no matter what someone else thinks. Honestly, a lot of commonly accepted principles are false! 


All solutions come in calmness. Depending on the temperament of the person - thought, will and feeling - are potent mental solutions. A one size fits all solution does not exist.

Thought : It is not very easy to explain thought, but a truth is we create according to what we think. It might take time, we still create what we think. It is a faculty used for manifesting a desire. First, we must analyze if our desire is nourishing (meaning if it will help us physically, mentally, spiritually). If the desire is wholesome, we can start using thoughts to create it. It is suitable for a person who needs an intellectual explanation (reason). In this case, our desire is to avoid negativity. Plant a firm thought and mentally say, especially just when you wake up and just before going to sleep, (this is the time at which it is easy to plant thought roots in the subconscious mind). I will not let anything effect me negatively.   

Will : Will is the faculty we use to put thoughts to action. It is also what we use to not pursue a particular course of action. Once they make up their mind, a strong willed person, can resist anything. For example, even if we want to move a finger or a hand, we cannot do it without our will. A higher application is in not giving in internally to negative situations. Word of caution - Until fully developed, environmental influences usually overcome willpower. 

Feeling: I personally default to thought and feeling in most situations. Feeling is at the same time both easy and hard. In feeling, there is nothing for us to do, just receive. That also means we should be calm and not restless. One way to develop feeling is to sit in silence, (if possible after meditation) and concentrate on the heart. Using feeling, only comes by practice - the practice of listening to the heart when you are calm. 


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