Being grounded


We hear a lot about "being grounded". They say, one should be grounded, but most people do not explain what they mean. Others assume being grounded is the same as being humble. Humility is important, being grounded is very different from humility. 

Its not an abstract concept. Examples and analogies simplify the task of explaining. Imagine an electrical circuit with a positive terminal and a negative terminal. The circuit works when current flows from positive terminal to the negative terminal. 

The head, where the ideas for our actions originate is the positive terminal, the heart, the place of satisfaction is the negative terminal. We are grounded when the actions we take satisfy the desires of our heart. The link between these two is our will.  

The principle is when you act using your will to satisfy the legitimate desires of your heart through agreeable methods, you are grounded. In other words, your actions should be in accordance with your will. Your head and heart will then at the same place. 

Therefore, there is a simple and practical method we can use to be grounded. Ask 2-3 very simple questions to yourself, and then proceed according to your answers. 

1. What are my ideas and will it help me feel satisfied (short term and long term)  if I act on it? 

2. Are the actions I am planning agreeable (it should not hurt others) ? 

3. Am I using my will in the correct way ?


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