Love through Service
The quality of love when received and given in an authentic way directly leads to a sense of peace and satisfaction. But there are conditions under which love can be shared for the true effects to come through!
Only a heart that is free from the blemishes of anger, fear, hatred, resentment, jealousy and pride of pedigree can radiate true love. When the heart is free from these imperfections, it can act as a perfect instrument of receptivity and right action with everything and everyone.
I want to share an incident that showed me love can be developed and experienced through serving others! in our own unique way within our capacity.
I was in Vancouver on an extended trip. One rainy-drizzly night, I was waiting for the bus to go to the restaurant. A woman approached me and asked me for money for food. I was arguably suspicious and refused. She persisted, eventually I gave her 20 dollars. I saw instant relief on her face, she hugged me, then ran to the burger king eatery that was nearby. She enjoyed her burger as if eating a delicacy. Little had I realized - she was starving!
As I walked away, it felt like a gentle and warm feeling of satisfaction was surrounding me. It was the satisfaction of helping another person in need. It is rare to have an opportunity to help a person who needs it, and you are around at the time they need it!
They were fulfilling because humans feel satisfied when they can be of service. They cost nothing, and they feel good! . More importantly, they mattered in value. The memories remain fresh even after five years now. This was just one incident. When we look through the lens of a longer timeframe, imagine the number of opportunities of fulfillment through service anyone could have in their lifetime!
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