Getting a Reset

I realized it is time for a reset. 

I love simple methods and try to utilize my energy only when necessary. Nowadays, I find it much more easier to get a reset consciously than by doing something to take my mind off something!  

I thought it would be nice to share a method to get a reset!. Getting a reset is possible through sheer will power and mental strength. You don't really need high intensity event.  

First you need to know what kind of progress you want to make and what your purpose is. 

To me, the personal purpose of my life is very clear - to realize material progress, mental progress, physical progress and spiritual progress. Everyone needs some kind of combination of these aspects but the proportions may vary. 

Disclaimer - These are my personal ambitions ; it does not represent general perceptions. 

Material progress is necessary to not be poor or broke. You don't need to be very rich, but must be able to earn enough through acceptable methods to comfortably support self and everyone that depends on you and have some cushion. (Some people have responsibility to support many others, and I have nothing but huge respect for them.) 

Mental progress is necessary to inculcate good habits in the brain and eliminate the cords of bad habits. Mental habits can be improved by using will to not perform unwanted actions.  

Physical progress is necessary to be healthy first (by exercising and eating well) , then progress in some sort of social connection - progress to some level in relationship/partner/children/ or some sort of society. (by being considerate of others and behaving well with others)

Spiritual progress to be happy and avoid suffering. By spiritual progress, I mean, scientifically first unite ego to soul (which will eliminate all suffering) and then soul to spirit. In other words - yoga through exercise and meditation. 

It is necessary because when a long awaited desire is fulfilled, the joy is temporary, and then you will look for a new experience unless you look for joy from within.  

My method to reset quite simple - give some time to analyze myself honestly how I am doing in all these four areas on a biweekly basis! (any regular cycle per preference will work). Then try different but rational/reasonable ways to make the specific improvements. The advantage of this method is that mistakes or incorrect paths are caught quite quickly and the change needed doesn't feel very huge after initial hurdles are overcome.


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