The second experience of love and peace

I will continue from a previous post where I wrote about an experience of peace , because that feeling of peace has not left me. 

I feel it now and even more deeply. A state of equanimity that flows through every part. When that feeling of peace persisted, it gave way to calmness and a feeling of love. 

It has tangible practical benefits too! That calmness allowed me to remain in the present and observe without making up future stories in the mind. It has helped me deal with all kinds of pressures - peer pressure, familial pressure, cultural pressure, etc. The decisions have started coming from a sense of  "the mind centered in the heart", so there is no confusion! 

Things have changed too!  The universe keeps putting me in the lives of people who want to find their joy and them in my path. I have noticed that I get attracted to people who really want to experience happiness and people who want the experience of joy are attracted to me. 

It is probably not conscious, but due the magnetic pull of love that nature has planted in every person's heart. Very often, without realizing, I start to think in every relationship with another - can I help them in some way to find their joy, while being authentic to myself ? (if they are ready for it of-course).

It is was the perfect message from my fortune cookie today during our team lunch - " if a true sense of value is to be yours it must come through service" 




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