The simple experience of today

 I was supposed to meet someone for lunch today; We had lunch, the food was very satisfying, and then the universe switched it up. We ended up watching one of the most peaceful sunsets!, which was completely unplanned.  

From my perspective, this sunset was simple yet very, very different from any of the sunsets I have experienced before. The spot was at a perfect height from the horizon, no person or ships in the line of sight. The sight was uncluttered with just the beach, the waves, and the sun followed by phenomena of sunset and all the various colors that comes with it. Simple things that can light you up with joy! . The sunset was so peaceful because it gave me the experience of some minutes of complete thoughtlessness. 

My lesson was -  when we live life in a simple way, everything is peaceful. Isn't that a beautiful way to live ? anything we feel complicated is essentially a bunch of simple things put together in a step by step manner. We can use our will, discrimination to decode them into a bunch of simple things and tackle it one by one. 

My thoughts also interpreted a much more deeper meaning. More in tune with Eliud Kipchoge's quote - "no human is limited". The sun being the source is unlimited in its capacity to provide us with light. The colors we perceive are limited by its frequencies and wavelengths. 

In the same way, our capacity is unlimited, it is only limited by our colorful positive and negative thoughts shaped by our experiences - Something to ponder on ! :) 

Overall, I had an extremely satisfying experience today with the theme of  "simple is better".


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