How to defend nasal cold
Today, I will write about how I defend cold and sore throat. It's a relevant time to write about this with the current situation in the world, and it's extremely annoying to have a cold or a bad throat.
These methods have worked for me, and are pretty simple too, especially when I have indulged in ice-cream when my body was asking me not to! and I would end up with a sore throat.
These are not my inventions, but taught to me by different teachers I have come in contact with. You might see these things in another book or any video you come across. Some of them are never really mentioned because it's either too simple or people are invested in getting medicines sold.
Cold starts in the nose and then settles into the throat area. It's best to kill cold when in the nose. The fastest way to kill a cold is to fast. Nothing else will kill it sooner. This is because the body is intelligent by nature (that's how it knows how to deliver which molecule of a particular chemical to a specific body part), and you force the body to reset to that intelligent nature.
Eating fresh fruits and vegetables will always help, because they help purify the blood and in turn the body. If the cold does go to the throat, or like me, if you end up with a not so happy throat after ice-creams on the wrong day, heat water with equal portion of cumin (seeds or powder), coriander powder and fennel (seeds or powder), strain it and drink. Have it a few times a day. Do not use microwave to heat the water. Microwaving anything kills the nutrients, so unless really required it's never a good idea to microwave.
Also, another important point to keep in mind is to avoid having hot liquids or ice cold liquids. Ice cold liquids we probably won't, but hot liquids will make us feel good temporarily. Cold contracts, heat expands. Hot liquid will heat the mucous membranes and make it active which will worsen the cold.
The exception is if there is fever or thick congestion in which case hot water will help dilute it for removal from the body.
So next time, lets all try to get away from the temptation of popping available tablets for a mild cold or a bad throat and let our body do its job naturally. Nature is the best medicine. It's extremely important to have a good relation with nature. Covid has shown us what happens when we are not in harmony with nature. Spirit and nature, dancing together!
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