
Showing posts from October, 2021

Getting unstuck

 This week I got stuck with some work in office that I couldn't figure out. After two full days of thinking, I kind of figured out but not completely. More importantly, now I know how to proceed without getting stuck at that point. The desire to write something today combined with the day's events is making me write something about "getting unstuck".   Why is getting unstuck important ? Because when we feel stuck, we can make incorrect decisions. We tend to make decisions based on moods. We forget to ask ourselves the simple questions. To start making good decisions, we can ask ourselves two simple questions - (1) Am I making these decisions out of my moods or am I making this out of logic and my true feelings ? - (2) Is it worth it to me ? In other words, if I succeed in my efforts in this, will life become better ? Why to we feel stuck ? It could be any reason! One of the common reasons is - we might do the same things and expect a different result (Einstein said - ...