Milk, yogurt, turmeric
Today I am having an inclination to write about how we consume turmeric and milk, yogurt as well. Before proceeding, I would like to thank my teachers - a guy named Ernst from whom I learnt about habits, and an ayurvedic practitioner named vaidya mishra whose work I research on, but he passed on a few years ago. Like Feynman said, to find the truth, you have to go deep, really deep. Having to experience it helps! It's important to not be a fanatic and follow a balanced approach, but the more I research, the more I find that we are in bad habits, more like conditioned to be in bad habits, more often than not due to lack of knowledge. Moving on, Turmeric : At one time, I had something that was causing inflammation in my body. Alongwith other things, my doctor prescribed curcumin which is concentrated turmeric. I knew turmeric is an extremely potent herb, but it did not help me at that time, it in fact was more aggravating, I listened to my body and stop...