My favorite Bhagavad Gita lessons from Mahabharat
Mahabharat is literally epic. If you take a close look at the old myths, add or remove a little bit here and there, you'll get a blockbuster movie/series guaranteed :). They tell us that everything existed since eternity. But they teach a few things that are very practical. There's two things that are worth paying attention to that Krishna tells Arjuna in the battlefield. Extremely difficult to implement, but if anyone can manage that, he/she will be happy! Krishna is the best adviser anyone can get! - btw he was a player ;) We all have a part of that! Yogastha kuru karmaani Meaning: Establish union between body and mind. Take action. Karmanyeva Adhikaraste Maa Phaleshu Kadaachana Meaning : You are entitled only to your action, not to the fruits of your action These are easy to understand yet so difficult to follow. He says, first create calm in your mind, let the body be in sync with the mind. Then initiate the action you have to do. In other words, there's ...